Calendar of Events.
Schedule was updated Saturday, November 30, 2024.
Many dates already being added for 2025! Looking forward to more great reenactment & events.
Please verify that an event is being held before attending. Email me for more information. Let me know if there are any mistakes, or events that are missing.
Download the .pdf files for future
reference and/or printing a copy.
Coming up soon!
"Christmas on the Farm"
Dec , 7 & 8, 2024, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST Waterloo Farm & Dewey School Museums, 13493 Waterloo Munith Rd, Grass Lake, MI 49240, USA
Washington Crossing the Delaware!
Christmas Day Crossing
Wed, Dec 25, 2024
Noon to 3 PM (actual crossing at 1 PM)
Free to the Public
Washington Crossing Historic Park
1112 River Road
Washington Crossing, PA 18977
Kalamazoo Living History Trade Show
March 15-16, 2025,
Sat, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sun, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Kalamazoo County Expo Center
2900 Lake Street, Kalamazoo Mi.
The best artisans and sutlers from around the country.
For the avid reenactor and members of the public.
Patriot's Day
(Date is subject to change.)
Saturday, April 26, 2025
10 AM to 3 PM
Northville Historical Mill Race Village
215 Griswold St, Northville, MI 48167
Exciting recreation of the Battle of Concord & Lexington
Flags, old fashion games & toys, soldiers, battles,
Buckman's Tavern, lots of exhibits to visit.